Author Archives: neil

2/14 discussion with Mehmet Tabak

Our next session will be with Prof. Mehmet Tabak from NYU. We will be reading chapters from his new book Dialectics of Human Nature in Marx’s Philosophy. Thursday 2/14 at 6pm in the Globalization Room (room 5109) the readings are: … Continue reading

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12/4 reading session on democracy and the Left

Tuesday 12/4 @ 6:00pm location: Globalization room (5109) at the CUNY Graduate Center S’Bu Zikode, “The Shackdwellers Movement of Durban” Massimo De Angelis, “Enclosures, Commons, and the ‘Outside’” Rosa Luxemburg, The Russian Revolution (chapters 6, 7, and 8) Richard Sandbrook … Continue reading

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11/20 discussion with Don Robotham

Our upcoming meeting with Don Robotham will address the tension of rights/liberal democracy and political-economic transformation. What is the relationship between a long-term goal of transformation and the everyday contingency of action? Tuesday, 11/20 at 4:15pm in the Globalization Room … Continue reading

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10/23 reading session on Badiou and Prashad

next meeting: Tuesday 10/23 from 4:30 – 6:30 in Rm 5109 (globalization room) We will be reading 1. Alain Badiou’s Rebirth of History: Times of Riots and Uprisings Intro (read) Chapter 1: Capitalism Today (skim/optional) Chapter 4: Historical Riot (read) … Continue reading

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10/1 first meeting of semester!

Please join us for the first meeting of the year as we plan out readings/speakers/themes. There will be no readings for this session but please bring ideas for things you would like to discuss this semester. Monday, October 1 @ … Continue reading

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5/15 discussion with Kate Crehan

Our next meeting will focus on the work of Antonio Gramsci, with special guest Kate Crehan. Tuesday, May 15, 2012 @ 6:30pm Room 5109 the readings are: Gramsci, “Some Aspects of Southern Question” Gramsci, “Notes on Italian History” from the … Continue reading

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4/24 reading session on C.L.R. James

Our next meeting will be……….. C.L.R. James Tuesday April 24th @ 6:30pm Room 5109 (in the Graduate Center) readings: 1. Cedric Robinson, “C.L.R. James and the Black Radical Tradition” in Black Marxism. He discusses James’ work in relation to both … Continue reading

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3/27 reading session on Mao

Comrades, Here are the details for our reading session on Mao: Tuesday, March 27, 6:30pm @ Slattery’s Bar (8 East 36th st) We will be reading Mao’s five essays on philosophy: “On Practice”, “On Contradiction”, “On the Correct Handling of … Continue reading

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Left Forum panel on Saturday 3/17

Imperialism and the Neoliberal State in the Middle East and South Asia States in the Middle East and South Asia embrace international finance capital even as they remain under the threat of foreign intervention. This panel considers the entwinement of … Continue reading

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3/13 reading session on the Hall-Jessop debate

Our next session with feature readings by Stuart Hall, Bob Jessop, and Philip Abrams. Tuesday, March 13 @ 6:30pm at Slattery’s. The readings are: Stuart Hall, “The Great Moving Right Show,” Marxism Today 1979. Bob Jessop, “Authoritarian Populism, Two Nations, … Continue reading

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